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Welcome to the Citizens Alumni Community

Citizens supports our alumni at work, at home, and in your community. We’re committed to helping our former colleagues thrive, and invite you to reconnect and explore opportunities at Citizens.

Sign up below to join our Citizens Talent Community to get job alerts and a monthly email with company news, networking events, speaker series, and other opportunities for alums like you.

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Why should you return to Citizens?

  • New Skills, New Experiences, New Opportunities: You’ve gained valuable perspectives and experience while away from Citizens. We encourage alumni to bring forward fresh thinking and ways to work collaboratively, so we can accomplish more together, and challenge the status quo.
  • Fulfilling Work: Almost 90% of colleagues who have returned would recommend Citizens as a great place to work, whether it’s because of their colleagues, managers, workplace flexibility, benefits, or career growth and opportunities. What will you say?
  • Internal Hiring: Our commitment to internal hiring is stronger than ever. In 2024, almost 31% of our roles were filled internally.

I enjoy the challenging and interesting projects. I knew coming back I’d get to work on something new and different and continue to build the relationships that I’ve made at Citizens. — Christine S., Finance Director (Citizens colleague from 2015-2021; returned as a Citizens colleague 2022)

Ready to reconnect.

We’re building our community of alumni — and we want you to be a part of it! We know the experiences that you’ve had since we last connected have shaped your personal and professional story — and we want to hear more. If you're ready to return as a Citizens colleague, explore our open roles today.

In the meantime, want to see what we’ve been up to? Check out our latest news and activity.

Are you a former colleague looking to stay connected to our Credo through volunteerism? Click here to see virtual volunteer opportunities.